Kommentar: Spuren in die rechtsextreme Szene nach Angriffen in Dresden | tagesschau.de–Beitrag

Bild: Tagesschau.de in Dresden, dem Ort des brutalen Überfalls auf SPD-Europaabgeordneten Matthias Ecke. Er hat dabei schwere Verletzungen an Kopf und Schädelknochen erlitten und musste operiert werden. Es geht ihm allen Berichten zufolge den Umständen entsprechend gut. "Bei den Angriffen auf Politiker in Dresden gibt es offenbar mehr Spuren in die rechtsextreme Szene als bislang …

Markus Lanz vom 30. April 2024 | zdf–Mediathek

Die #Lanz–Sendung am Vorabend des Maifeiertag Aus der Programmvorschau bzw. Bildunterschrift in der #ZDF_Mediathek: Zu Gast: Vizekanzler Robert Habeck, Journalist Michael Bröcker und Unternehmerin Marie-Christine Ostermann Source: Markus Lanz vom 30. April 2024 #Lanz am Vorabend zum 1. Mai–Feiertag und Tag der Arbeit (Tipp von einem geschätzten Facebook–Kontakt, vormals Journalist, nun im teilweisen Ruhestand, gern …

Wes Bound – Gotta love the people from Pascagoula: They took what… | Facebook

Source: Wes Bound - Gotta love the people from Pascagoula: They took what... | Facebook Gotta love the people from Pascagoula: They took what others would've thought of a desaster and turned it into a heartwarming winning story! I love "think on your feet"-resourcefulness like this! Gotta ❤ em!  #netflix #uad #ufo #ufology #strangeencounters #ufoabduction …

Three-Body-Problem: Experts discuss physics, mathematics behind hit Netflix show | phys.org

Source: Problems with 3 Body Problem? Experts discuss physics, mathematics behind hit Netflix show Interesting: Virginia Tech physicist Djordje Minic discusses the science behind the Netflix' super success "3 Body Problem" since its release on the digital airwaves. Excerpt from the article: "At the end of the 19th century, the great French mathematician Henri Poincaré's …

The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’ | The Guardian

The long read: New research into the dying brain suggests the line between life and death may be less distinct than previously thought. Photograph: Gaia Moments/Alamy Source: The new science of death: ‘There’s something happening in the brain that makes no sense’ Yup, I had more or less arrived at a similar conclusion after having …

Generative AI startup Suno wants to make songwriting as easy as taking iPhone photos | Axios Corp. Blog

Microsoft announced they had integrated Suno into its AI software platform Copilot. Photo illustration: Axios Visuals. Photo: Courtesy of Michael Shulman. Source: Generative AI startup Suno wants to make songwriting as easy as taking iPhone photos After entering the fold as yet another contender in the highly active, competitive #generativeAI contender, Axios' Suno – [‘soo-no], …

The 7 most powerful supercomputers in the world right now | Livescience.com

Supercomputers play a vital role in scientific discoveries — from helping us forecast climate change to discovering new drugs. We've rounded up the top fastest on the planet right now. This is the Frontier supercomputer. (Image credit: CARLOS JONES/ORNL/U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY) Source: The 7 most powerful supercomputers in the world right now Totally fascinating. …

Scientists Put Tardigrade Proteins Into Human Cells. | Sciencealert.com

This small animal has survival capabilities not known in any other invertebrates. Sebastian Kaulitzki/Science Photo Library/Getty Images) This is how we develop superpowers: Source: Scientists Put Tardigrade Proteins Into Human Cells. Here's What Happened. Whoa! A little eerie, but promising research as far as slowing down aging is concerned or safe transplantation of organs.

Elon Musk wants to merge humans with AI. | vox

Neuralink has implanted a chip in its first human brain. But it’s pushing a needlessly risky approach, former employees say. Image: Xinmei Liu for Vox Source: Elon Musk wants to merge humans with AI. How many brains will be damaged along the way? The article addresses ethical concerns vs. rate of technological advances, i.e. 'bandwidth' …