‘The Early Universe is Nothing like We expected’ according to New Images from JWST | Live Science

The Cosmic Gems is one of the most highly magnified objects in space, thanks to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. (Image credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Bradley (STScI), A. Adamo (Stockholm University) and the Cosmic Spring collaboration) Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have observed five extremely dense proto-globular clusters along a hair-thin …

Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang | Quanta Magazine

By studying the geometry of model space-times, researchers offer alternative views of the universe’s first moments. Source: Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang | Quanta Magazine This is fascinating and highly promising research: A team of mathematicians take a closer look under which conditions a singularity  might occur and have already identified a …

Why Some Physicists Think We Are Living Inside A Black Hole | iflscience.com

According to the theory, we are encoded at the edge of a black hole in a much larger universe. Image credit: Vadim Sadovski/Shutterstock.com Source: Why Some Physicists Think We Are Living Inside A Black Hole Call me crazy, but I've pondered this some time ago already. I've been having this inexpliccable hunch that the black …

The physical reason behind quantum uncertainty | Big Think

No matter how good our measurement devices get, certain quantum properties always possess an inherent uncertainty. Can we figure out why? Source: The physical reason behind quantum uncertainty The way I'm trying to wrap my head around this uncertainty principle is by imagining a soccer field player launching a direct shot towards the goalie of …

Unraveling the Universe: Groundbreaking Measurement Shakes Up Physics

Source: Unraveling the Universe: Groundbreaking Measurement Shakes Up Physics The new results support the validity of the first of two discrepant ways of measuring the Hubble constant, which is the expansion rate of spacetime/our universe. What that means is indicative of a burgeoning suspicion among physicists that they need to rethink gravity, dark energy and …

Maybe the Universe Thinks. Hear Me Out | Time

Video at: https://time.com/6195785/james-webb-telescope-images-released-space/ Maybe the Universe Thinks. Hear Me Out | Time BY SABINE HOSSENFELDER AUGUST 25, 2022 7:00 AM EDT Hossenfelder is a research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany, and has published more than eighty research articles about the foundations of physics, including quantum gravity, physics beyond the standard model, dark …

The Big Bang no longer means what it used to | Big Think

Credit: Nicolle Rager FullerFrom a pre-existing state, inflation predicts that a series of universes will be spawned as inflation continues, with each one being completely disconnected from every other one, separated by more inflating space. One of these "bubbles," where inflation ended, gave birth to our Universe some 13.8 billion years ago, where our entire …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack Explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | NewsObserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | Newsobserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …