The physical reason behind quantum uncertainty | Big Think

No matter how good our measurement devices get, certain quantum properties always possess an inherent uncertainty. Can we figure out why? Source: The physical reason behind quantum uncertainty The way I'm trying to wrap my head around this uncertainty principle is by imagining a soccer field player launching a direct shot towards the goalie of …

Do Babies Have Consciousness? | Psychology Today

image: Shutterstock What it might be like to see the world as a baby. Source: Do Babies Have Consciousness? This is fascinating! Joel Frohlich, Ph.D, and a team of neuroscientists (see references below the article) recently published a paper in the journal Trends in Cognitive Science suggesting that most likely even 3rd trimester fetuses as …

Testing A Time-Jumping, Multiverse-Killing, Consciousness-Spawning Theory Of Reality | Forbes Science

Roger Penrose proposes a conscious observer doesn’t cause wave function collapse. A conscious observer is caused by wave function collapse. Source: Testing A Time-Jumping, Multiverse-Killing, Consciousness-Spawning Theory Of Reality Whoa, this piece of writing by Andréa Morris for Forbes Science is quite the interesting read for anyone having loosely followed my blog here as it …

What Isaac Asimov’s Robbie Teaches About AI and How Minds ‘Work’ | WIRED

Source: What Isaac Asimov’s Robbie Teaches About AI and How Minds 'Work' | WIRED Here's a very interesting WIRED article on the implications we had better considered before simply continuing at the rate AI development has been going. It draws from Sir Isaac Asimov's "Robbie" science fiction story and extrapolates from Sir Asimov's story ideas …

ChatGPT Can’t Think – Consciousness Is Something Entirely Different to Today’s AI | SingularityHub

Does brain activity correlates as measured by fMRIs really tell us all we need to know about how consciousness is facilitated by our brain? Apparently not, as Philip Goff explains in his piece on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and pondering, whether or not it might be considered "conscious". Source: ChatGPT Can’t Think—Consciousness Is Something Entirely Different …

The Many Dimensions of Consciousness | Psychology Today

A simplified model tracks consciousness along the dimensions of awareness and wakefulness/arousal.Source: Damian K. F. Pang Source: The Many Dimensions of Consciousness | Psychology Today It's become a pet-peeve of mine to hear people talk about consciousness and even calling themselves consciousness researcher without ever even having attempted to define exactly what they want us to …

I believe chatbots understand part of what they say. Let me explain. | Sabine Hossenfelder on AI via YouTube

"I used to think that today's so-called "artificial intelligences" are actually pretty dumb. But I've recently changed my mind" explains Sabine Hossenfelder in probing the question how much real understanding we can infer from language generating AI technology like e.g. chatGPT

How We Need to Radically Rethink Conscious Awareness | Psychology Today

Source: How We Need to Radically Rethink Conscious Awareness | Psychology Today I feel compelled to thank MD Mr. Johnston for better elaborating on an underlying assumption I've been having towards the "hard problem of consciousness" debate for years, particularly when following scholarly articles and papers on the matter or when following attempts of "explaining …