‘Physics itself disappears’: Thomas Hertog and Stephen Hawking producing his final, most radical theory of everything | livescience.com

Thomas Hertog tells us how he collaborated with Stephen Hawking on his final theorem — a Darwinian revolution in physics that explains the origin of time. Story by Ben Turner published in livescience, June 11 2024 Source: 'Physics itself disappears': How theoretical physicist Thomas Hertog helped Stephen Hawking produce his final, most radical theory of …

The expansion of the universe could be a mirage | Live Science

Astronomers use the light from distant stars, such as the Helix Nebula seen here, to measure the apparent expansion of the universe. New resaerch suggests there may be more to the pictue that we're not seeing. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC) Source: The expansion of the universe could be a mirage, new theoretical study suggests | Live …

New James Webb Space Telescope image shows 45,000 galaxies in unprecedented detail | Insider

The James Webb Space Telescope turned its sights on a special region in space, where it has revealed some of the youngest galaxies ever observed. Source: New James Webb Space Telescope image shows 45,000 galaxies in unprecedented detail The James Webb Telescope looks farther back into the history of our universe than any other telescope …

Unraveling the Universe: Groundbreaking Measurement Shakes Up Physics

Source: Unraveling the Universe: Groundbreaking Measurement Shakes Up Physics The new results support the validity of the first of two discrepant ways of measuring the Hubble constant, which is the expansion rate of spacetime/our universe. What that means is indicative of a burgeoning suspicion among physicists that they need to rethink gravity, dark energy and …

NASA’s Webb Telescope Launches to See First Galaxies, Distant Worlds

Source: NASA's Webb Telescope Launches to See First Galaxies, Distant Worlds I can't wait! This will be so exciting once the first never before seen images of our early universe will come in! Wow, here's to the inquisitiveness and courage of the human spirit in its quest to answer all questions we've been having forever!

NASA’s James Webb Telescope will look back in time to the Dark Ages of our Universe | phys.org

Source: The most powerful space telescope ever built will look back in time to the Dark Ages of the universe Wow! Getting to be a witness of explorations that will "look back" almost to the beginning of the universe we live in – and in my lifetime so – is nothing short of ... awe …

This Cyclic Model of the Universe Has Cosmologists Rethinking the Big Bang | Discover Magazine

Source: This Cyclic Model of the Universe Has Cosmologists Rethinking the Big Bang | Discover Magazine Even as a teen and as soon as I learnt of the idea of the 'Big Crunch' as opposed to the 'Big Rip' or 'Big Freeze' – the latter being the currently adopted and accepted model of "heath death" …