Noam Chomsky, Steven Spielberg Say AI Is Soulless and Scary | Business Insider

Source: Noam Chomsky, Steven Spielberg Say AI Is Soulless and Scary I concur with both esteemed and highly accomplished individuals on their take re: Artificial Intelligence. #AI is highly overrated by the technocrats and #transhumanist delusionals from #SiliconValley and is more of a new problem than it will ever be the solution to many of …

How We Need to Radically Rethink Conscious Awareness | Psychology Today

Source: How We Need to Radically Rethink Conscious Awareness | Psychology Today I feel compelled to thank MD Mr. Johnston for better elaborating on an underlying assumption I've been having towards the "hard problem of consciousness" debate for years, particularly when following scholarly articles and papers on the matter or when following attempts of "explaining …