‘The Early Universe is Nothing like We expected’ according to New Images from JWST | Live Science

The Cosmic Gems is one of the most highly magnified objects in space, thanks to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. (Image credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Bradley (STScI), A. Adamo (Stockholm University) and the Cosmic Spring collaboration) Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have observed five extremely dense proto-globular clusters along a hair-thin …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack Explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | NewsObserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | Newsobserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …

How Small Was The Universe At The Start Of The Big Bang? | Forbes.com

Source: How Small Was The Universe At The Start Of The Big Bang? So – no singularity, after all? Huh! One can't stop being amazed, can't we? This logarithmic view of the Universe shows our solar system, the galaxy, the cosmic web, and the limits of what's observable out to a distance of 46.1 billion light-years away. …