‘The Early Universe is Nothing like We expected’ according to New Images from JWST | Live Science

The Cosmic Gems is one of the most highly magnified objects in space, thanks to a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. (Image credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, L. Bradley (STScI), A. Adamo (Stockholm University) and the Cosmic Spring collaboration) Astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have observed five extremely dense proto-globular clusters along a hair-thin …

The Big Bang no longer means what it used to | Big Think

Credit: Nicolle Rager FullerFrom a pre-existing state, inflation predicts that a series of universes will be spawned as inflation continues, with each one being completely disconnected from every other one, separated by more inflating space. One of these "bubbles," where inflation ended, gave birth to our Universe some 13.8 billion years ago, where our entire …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack Explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | NewsObserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …

Astrophysicist Katie Mack explains the Significance of the Famous James Webb Telescope Photo | Newsobserver

Source: Astrophysicist ‘AstroKatie’ Mack shares what she sees in the James Webb telescope photo It may not be readily apparent what's so spectacular about the first images that the James Webb Space Telescope captured and so it might be helpful to hear a renowned astrophysicist convey it to us in – more or less – …

The James Webb Space Telescope is finally ready to do Science | TheConversation.com

.... – and it’s seeing the universe more clearly than even its own engineers hoped for Marcia Rieke, Regents Professor of Astronomy, University of Arizona, lets us in on on the deployment process of the James Webb Space Telescope and what the initial test runs and their results were. As of July 12th 2022 the largest …

NASA’s Webb Telescope Launches to See First Galaxies, Distant Worlds

Source: NASA's Webb Telescope Launches to See First Galaxies, Distant Worlds I can't wait! This will be so exciting once the first never before seen images of our early universe will come in! Wow, here's to the inquisitiveness and courage of the human spirit in its quest to answer all questions we've been having forever!

NASA’s James Webb Telescope will look back in time to the Dark Ages of our Universe | phys.org

Source: The most powerful space telescope ever built will look back in time to the Dark Ages of the universe Wow! Getting to be a witness of explorations that will "look back" almost to the beginning of the universe we live in – and in my lifetime so – is nothing short of ... awe …

The Webb Space Telescope will change astronomy. | Vox

Source: The Webb Space Telescope is 100x as powerful as the Hubble. It will change astronomy. - Vox This actually scares me a little – or maybe not just a little. It becomes pretty awe inducing pretty quick when you think about the fact that the James Webb Telescope slated to be deployed in space …

In Exactly A Year Our Knowledge Of The Cosmos Will Change Forever. (via Forbes.com)

NASA’s ‘Webb’ telescope will takeover from Hubble when it launches on March 30, 2021. Expect the unexpected. Source: In Exactly A Year Our Knowledge Of The Cosmos Will Change Forever. This Is The $10 Billion Reason (by Jamie Carter) This will be beyond exciting: Scheduled to launch in about a year from now, the new …