A common misunderstanding about wave-particle duality | Chemistryworld

The famous double slit experiment that sparked a branche of physics coined quantum mechanics. Instead of treating quantum particles as shape-shifters, we should think in terms of probability distributions Source: A common misunderstanding about wave-particle duality A fabulous clarification pertaining to the puzzling phenomenon known as wave-particle duality, which Philip Ball reveals as only arising …

‘Physics itself disappears’: Thomas Hertog and Stephen Hawking producing his final, most radical theory of everything | livescience.com

Thomas Hertog tells us how he collaborated with Stephen Hawking on his final theorem — a Darwinian revolution in physics that explains the origin of time. Story by Ben Turner published in livescience, June 11 2024 Source: 'Physics itself disappears': How theoretical physicist Thomas Hertog helped Stephen Hawking produce his final, most radical theory of …

The surprising origins of wave-particle duality

Source: The surprising origins of wave-particle duality Who would've thought? I hadn't been aware that the discovery of the wave-particle duality of photons, electrons and even larger structures of particles originated in the 17th century from the work of Christiaan Huygens. So the non-deterministic nature of our cosmos and reality are "set in stone" based …

Unifying gravity and quantum mechanics without the need for quantum gravity | Physics World

Source: Unifying gravity and quantum mechanics without the need for quantum gravity – Physics World Stochastic framework In his study, Oppenheim builds on this idea to develop a new stochastic framework for coupling the quantum and classical-gravity worlds. Since these worlds have fundamentally different rules, Oppenheim’s theory uses separate statistical theories for each of them. …

Monist philosophy and quantum physics agree that all is One | Aeon Essays

Source: Monist philosophy and quantum physics agree that all is One | Aeon Essays This is a bit of a longer essay on the history and main tenets of Monism in philosophy and how very up-to-date science,i.e. quantum mechanics in this case and the implications observed and interpreted accordingly, and ancient philosophical traditions all seem …

I believe chatbots understand part of what they say. Let me explain. | Sabine Hossenfelder on AI via YouTube

"I used to think that today's so-called "artificial intelligences" are actually pretty dumb. But I've recently changed my mind" explains Sabine Hossenfelder in probing the question how much real understanding we can infer from language generating AI technology like e.g. chatGPT