Swiss Startup Connects 16 Human Mini-Brains to Create Low Energy ‘Biocomputer’ |

The bioprocessor with eight electrodes attached to four arrays each housing a cluster of brain cells. (Jordan et al., Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2024)

The future of AI?

Source: Swiss Startup Connects 16 Human Mini-Brains to Create Low Energy ‘Biocomputer’

This just found me. Swiss Company FinalSpark just released a research platform based on organoid computing circuits that enable other researchers to investigate the efficiency of information processing in the human brain since the organoid circuits are made from actual human neurons grown in the lab from human stem cells, which are provided by different company specializing distributing stem cells to research facilities.

I understand that it sounds eerie to know that actual human neurons are used with a computing circuit. What the apparent intent for the research is predominantly revolves around a fraction of the energy requirements of a human brain compared to the power hungry silicon based processing units of today’s fastest computers, with those sometimes sporting thousands of individual processing kernels.

It feels eerie though, knowing that AI development veers into the direction that mimicks actual human information processing, I can’t deny that.

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